Care Guide for the ZZ Plant

About the ZZ Plant:


The ZZ (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) plant is a low-maintenance, hard-to-kill houseplant characterized by its bright, oval-shaped leaves extending from long, thick stem. A semi-succulent vernacular to Eastern Africa, it is accustomed to long periods of drouth with occasional of rainstorm. As a result, the ZZ thrives on abandon. This, combined with its power to live in very low light situations, make it very popular for businesses and offices. While it can reach heights of 5’, it generally tops out around 2’-3’. To survive drouths, ZZ’s have developed a stalk root system which stores large amounts of water. As an added bonus, ZZ’s have been divulge to be one of the best air clean house plants around! This makes it a great addition for your bedroom or office, two smaller spaces that you spend a lot of time in.

Care Guide for the ZZ Plant

Varieties of ZZ Plant:

Some people would be surprised to hear that ZZ Plants actually come in a few types:

  1. Common ZZ Plant – This is the  you will see most places. Both in homes, business and plant stores, the common ZZ ranges from bright lime in their youth to an rare green in their maturity. They can get quite tall, 2’-3’ and their oval shaped leaves radius in size from 1”-3”.
  2. Raven ZZ Plant – If you were to know any types, it would probably be this one. Growing in regard over the last 2 years, Raven ZZ’s share all the same varieties as the common ZZ but feature near black leaves. Their new growth comes in bright lime but as it unfold, deepens in color.
  3. ZZ Variegata – At this point I think the plant world has made a variegated type of everything so of course there is a ZZ. Featuring plash of white, yellow and different greens, this ZZ may be rather higher maintenance than the others. Often, to keep variegated coloring shining and contrasted, plants need a little more light than their non-variegated forms.
  4. Dwarf ZZ Plant – Also called ZZ Compacta. If you don’t have room for the height of the ZZ, opt for the dwarf type. It features smaller leaves that are collect tighter and that curl slightly. All care requirements will be the same.


Care guide for the ZZ Plant

How to Care for your ZZ Plant:


 ZZ Plants like well draining soil with good aeration. A cactus/succulent soil from the store will do. You can also use a generic bag of houseplant soil and it will be just fine but I recommend mixing in some perilite and sand to up the drainage and air to the roots. You can use this formula:

  • 2 parts all-purpose soil
  • 1 part perilite
  • 1 part sand 


ZZ Plants can live in primarily any light condition, even a bathroom that just has a little light seep  in from the hall. The only anomaly is direct light from hot afternoon sun. This will burn your leaves. If this occur, move it to a shadier locale. You probably have spotted ZZ’s at your corporate office or even hair salon. One of the reasons businesses love the ZZ is because it get bigger well under flourescents.


Since these are semi-succulent, they can store large amount of water. That’s why they can go 2-3 weeks between waterings. In winter I cut back to watering every 3 weeks and in the get taller season every 10 days. ZZ’s can develop rot if flooded so when in doubt, water less.


 I suggest feeding your ZZ at the beginning of growing season and once again during summer. They don’t need it often but it helps support their get larger. Do not fertilize in winter.


 ZZ’s are very excellence and prefer a 65°F-85°F range (18°C-30°C).



The ZZ plant is a low-maintenance, hard-to-kill houseplant characterized by its bright. ZZ plant is able to live in very low light situations, make it very popular for businesses and offices.  ZZ Plants like well draining soil with good aeration. Since these are semi-succulent, they can store large amount of water.

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