How to grow a polka plant:
Grow these plants in peat-free house-plant organic matter in a friendly and sticky environment that has bright but indirect sunlight. Water slenderly and remove developing flowers to keep plants looking their leading. In summer, given food to fortnightly with a fluid house-plant fertilizer.

Where to grow :
Grow polka dot plant in a comfortable and sticky environment, with a lowest temperature of 15ºC and a humidity level of around 50 percent. A warm bathroom is ideal, as long as there is ample light – polka dot plants flourish in bright but indirect sunlight and can stop growing if state are too dark.
How to plant a polka dot plant:
The polka dot plant require a rich, free-draining deposit mix. Plant it at the same deepness it was in its original pot and water well, authorize excess water to fully drain away.
How to care for a polka dot plant:
During the growing season, water your polka dot plant slenderly, when the top 1.5cm of soil has sapped out. Reduce watering in winter and grow again once you see the first signs of growth in spring.
Feed once a month with a general-purpose fluid fertilizer. Remove any expand flowers to keep the plant looking its prime.
How to propagate a polka dot plant:
You can propagate polka dot plants from cane cuttings plant in water. Just follow this simple step-by-step guide:
- Using secateurs or scissors, cut 10cm sections of cane from the head plant. Remove the leaves on the lower half of the cane.
- Place the cuttings in a bottle of water, ensuring that only the lower portion of the cane is flood.
- Keep the cuttings in a bright, hot spot and replace the water weekly to keep it new.
- Roots should grew within a few weeks. When they are about 10cm long, pot up the cuttings into peat-free, free-void house-plant compost.
Pests and diseases:
Pests Polka dot plants may be pompous by house-plant pests such as aphids, red spider mite and fungus gnats. Aphids are best removed by hand. The red spider mite thrives in dry conditions. Fungus gnats can be discourage by adding a deep layer of gravel over the surface of the compost.
Fading leaves Too much or too little light can cause leaves to lose their color – direct sun can source the variegation to fade.
Brown or drooping leaves These are signs of a lack of water or dank. Water sparingly and move the plant to a more humid environment or mist with water to raise moody humidity.
Yellow leaves This is a sign of flooding – stop watering at once and check the roots for signs of root rot. It may be required to repot the plant, removing any rotting bits of root mass.

The polka dot plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya) is thick plant endemic to southern Africa. The polka dot plant require a rich, free-draining deposit mix .During the growing season, water your polka dot plant slenderly, when the top 1.5cm of soil has sapped out. You can propagate polka dot plants from cane cuttings plant in water.